For the Glory of God!
Artist Deborah Holt has compiled a series of inspired, spiritual chalk drawings into a book titled “The Seven Sacraments and Life in the Trinity—A Love Story Between God and His People.” Since 1997, Deborah has received divine inspiration to put the faith God gave us on paper in the form of symbolic imagery. The pictures are all about God’s message of love for us, His children.
So, with the heart of a child, draw near to our Lord and explore the gifts He has for us through these wonderful, endearing drawings. Please support this ministry.
Mission Statement for Draw Near Ministries
Draw Near Ministries is a ministry and lay apostolate whose purpose is simply to use drawings to help souls “draw near” to God: drawings which can help explain deeper than words can, the mystery of God’s Love; to draw us, the children of God, into a real, tangible experience with the Living Lord; to help inflame hearts with the Love that God has for us, and to bring this Love to those around us so as to foster healing, hope, and peace; and to go forward with Faith, Hope, and Love in the New Evangelization.